Classes & Clubs at Aldridge Social Club

Chair Yoga
Gentle Yoga classes, seated and assisted using a chair for those with mobility issues
Monday 10:30am

Pilates, Yoga, Stretching and Relaxation Classes
Monday 6pm

Rushall Chess Club
Rushall Chess club meets at Aldridge Social every Monday from 8pm. New members Welcome

In house Dominoes league
Monday night’s from 20:00 in our bar.

Aerobics, Weights and Tone body workout with Norma.
Every Tuesday from 19:00 to 20:00. Fantastic body workout with Norma. (All levels of fitness welcome) Great music, good fun, Instructor with 30 years of experience in the fitness world, just bring a drink and enjoy the feeling of a great workout. Please bring your own mat, weights and a drink if possible.

Sparta Krav Maga
Self defence system that is very simple to learn and retain